Medical Resources

American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists
The organization responsible for training and certifying veterinarians as board-certified ophthalmologists.

Dedicated to the elimination of heritable eye disease in purebred dogs through registration and research.

OPTIGEN is a service company established to provide DNA based diagnoses and information about inherited diseases of dogs.

American Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology
The principal aim of the ASVO is to promote scientific progress in veterinary ophthalmology.

CERF Examination
A glimpse of the CERF (Canine Eye Registration Foundation) examination at the Cornell Veterinary School.

ACVO Cataract Video
A video, produced by the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, explaining cataracts and cataract surgery in detail.

Apparel and Mobility Gear
These owners have designed and are marketing a hoop on a harness that can be used to help blind dogs move around more confidently in familiar and even unfamiliar environments.

These are basically sunglasses that have been designed for dogs. They can protect the eyes from trauma, reduce glare, or relieve light sensitivity.

Educational and Inspirational Materials

Blind Dog Support
Regardless if you’re an owner of a newly blinded dog, have adopted a blind/visually impaired dog (or puppy) or have been at this for awhile – the purpose we strive for on this web site, also on the Blind dog list and message board, is to provide you the support and information you need to help both you and your beloved dog.
This site offers some excellent books and videos about living with blind dogs and inspirational stories.

Valiant Trust
This is a story of a blind horse that performs Dressage with his owner.
Readers share personal experiences about eye removal.

Rosie, the Garden and the Dogs
Videos of “Summer”, a remarkable dog who has lost both eyes.

A Veterinarian Advises How To ‘Speak For Spot
A wonderful interview on NPR with veterinarian Nancy Kay about being an advocate for your own pet’s health care.

National Geographic
Reindeer Change Their Eyes for Summer and Winter, Study Finds